Thursday, June 30, 2011

Can Not Wake - tokyo

I mean I can't wait to be home! I was just snoozing on a bench in front of a tv, to be awoken ten minutes ahead of my alarm by two stewardesses. Apparently they had been trying for some time to wake me up verbally, but had to shake me awake. A fellow seat sitter told me. Lol. Rather embarrassing. I was only Just sleeping... Like this dude in the purple polo in front of me right now. Anyways I feel like a million bucks having gotten some vertical zzzs for a bit. Back to the travel race!

Personal Growth

Sometimes experiences and interacting with faces you may not see again reminds of of the things in life that are truly important. This is one of those experiences.

In sum, I realize that for the past year I should have been doing a Ginny k. Life is too short to not explore other people totally different from your own. Their ways of doing things might just remind you about what in your own culture and life has gone right, and what you need to remember when you get home.

I need to do something I love truly and completely, anything less is just a death sentence to my livelihood. I would recommend the same of every college undergrad entering the workforce. Don't sell yourself short just cause an opportunity presents itself. If it doesn't meet your goals then wait. You can change them or go back to it.

I learned a lot about beauty and the power of a smile - even just one well placed full smile when first meeting someone. The vietnamese are very friendly, so it easily brings out the best in people I think.

Along with that, they many times over, would and did give me the shirt on their backs. The copious gifts and lavish meals made me realize that if they treat their acquaintances well, their friends must get star treatment. Lets remember to take time aside from our 5am-9pm workday to chill with our friends for a few hours.

They taught me about beauty and respect. With beauty, either you are beautiful and have no clue about it, or you aren't. With the number of times they tell you that, they must believe that you don't know it. In the classroom, on the streets, behind our backs to others, they reveal their innermost thoughts about others beauty and ugliness. We don't need to adopt this trait, but just need to glean the confidence of knowing that we are beautiful!

Enthusiasm. As with the smile, enthusiasm goes a long way. I think it could win wars. It certainly wins over hearts. I think that my enthusiasm in the class was noted. When I didn't feel it, I didn't project it. It requires energy and concentration and a love for your subject matter. I love pronunciation. I love John Mayer. I love house shopping. I love dimes (ever since I was a kid because of the design on the back).

I think I learned a lot about compatability, easy goingness and not complaining. Life is too short for these things. You've got to play the cards you're dealt. I value relationships with others most when I can reliably depend on these factors.

Life is really a time for you to spend quality time with those you love... Relaxing. Drinking. Eating. Tea. Coffee. Sports. Anyway fit. I think I spent more time smiling in Vietnam than during my prior life. Why? Because people smile at me and I have to smile back. That's beauty right there.

Once I was walking down the street in My Tho and an older woman maybe 70 or 80 road by on her bike. She was staring at me. So I gave her a half smile, purely out of amusement in return. I could see from the side of her face that she started to smile. Well now it was all over. I smiled and then she looked back and smiled. We nodded and waved and then she went smiling and peddling down the road.

This is an everyday phenomenon that just warms my heart. I secretly think that if Americans weren't so concerned with class, looks, prestige, and association, they might concede more smiles. What would they have to gain but a friend and someone to talk to. Wouldn't that be nice.

Returning home, I will spend more money at restaurants, on clothing, and see friends more often individually. I would like to take weekend dining trips out of town too! I hope my comrades are down with this. It's not everyday that adventuresome traveling buddies fall into your lap!

Oh life!


I was going to do this post about life lessons or interpersonal stamina, but weather popped up instead.

Ever live in the Everglades? Under a lillypad? During a rainstorm? Mmm. Impressive! Sounds kind of like how Vietnam feels.

Few were the moments when I wasn't stuck to myself - in Saran wrap as my travelmate said - completely sweaty. It's a slow sweat that starts early. Open your door in the morning from the ac to the outside and - bam! - You'll be hit with it! It is a tour de force that I will never ever forget.. A 24-hour sauna.

The rain comes on occasion only - even in the rainy season usually once or not at all per day. Sometimes it will rain for days. The rain and wind here is so strong that I might mistake every single shower for a typhoon come ashore! Be prepared for: at 10am, 4pm or after nightfall at 6.

The heat and humidity, which skyrockets the heat index into the hundreds throughout Vietnam, also coincides with intensive uv rays. I was none too concerned about this during my stays, but did get some light burns. The uv index is over 10 most days and was at 12 when I'd check it.

Also, keep in mind that indoor ac may be nonexistent at work/restaurants. And ac standards are lower too: higher temp, mildew, etc.